community changemakers home page

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Become a community changemaker now to join us put smiles on people faces, love and care for those that greatly need it.

This is the best opportunity to join us as a volunteer, become a member or a donor. You will definitely be part of the change.

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Community Changemakers Projects

Sex Education

Young girls need more sex education at their early age

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CLEAN water

Providing clean water to every community and family 

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Get a skill

Young people need skills for their future career, get back to work

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Lots of homeless people need our support to get them help

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daily food

Help to provide a day meal to families that can't afford it

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start ups

Ideas to start up your own business with the support and systems

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Participating in community Projects

We are working together with communities, individuals, family and organisations to provide shelter, food, health care, education and training to those in need. Our community projects includes providing support for food, support for shelter, support for healthcare, support to get a job, support for family, support for young girls, support to start ups, support back to work, support to get a skill, support for training, support for education. You can participate in our community changemakers to make a difference in people's life.

Become a Changemaker Now

AS a donor

Nothing is too small to support

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AS a member

You are a trusted changemaker 

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AS a volunteer

You get the job done daily

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